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NHSC Infographic

Providing Essential Care to Michigan Families

The National Health Service Corps provides loan repayment to health care professionals who work in medically under-served communities. These medical professionals: doctors, dentists, advance practice nurses, and mental health practitioners provide essential services in rural communities in Michigan.

NHSC recipients practice in a variety of health professional shortage areas. Rural and urban communities alike rely on the health care services from these professionals. Green dots represent sites with one NHSC provider, yellow dots have two, and red dots have three or more.

Numbers of NHSC Professionals in Michigan

National Health Service Corps members represent a variety of professions that provide needed care in Michigan. There are 82 physicians, 49 dentists, more than 100 nurse practitioners or physician assistants, and 50 mental and behavioral health providers.

Who are NHSC Professionals In Michigan?

  1. Family Practice

  2. General Practice

  3. Interal Medicine

  4. Ob-Gyn

  5. Pediactrics

  6. Mental Health

National Health Service Corps Reciepients provide many essential services to underserved communities. Family and general practitioners make up the largest group of NHSC professionals, reflecting the great need for primary health care and the mission of the Corps.

Right now in Michigan, there are 104 family practice, 16 pediatric, 8 women’s health, and 6 women’s health specialists practicing in Michgian through the NHSC.

How NHSC Members Practice

These health care professionals provide care in a variety of important settings: Federally Qualified Health Centers (and look-a-likes), private practice, and rural health centers. Compare care settings below.




Rural Health Center

Correctional Facilities

Federally Qualified Health Center | 50%

Other | 22%

Outpatient Primary Care | 17%

Rural Health Center | 9%

Correctional Facilities | 3%


National Health Service Corps, Health Resources and Services Administration



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