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Contact tracing is a process of reaching out to people who have been in contact with an infected individual in order to warn them and potentially stop chains of transmission.
In the event you receive a call informing you that you have been in contact with an infectious person, it’s helpful to keep a record of people you have been within a 6 foot proximity to for at least 10 minutes.
Please document their name, contact information, date, time & duration of contact, place, and whether you or others were wearing a mask or gloves (PPE). It is also helpful to make note of whether or not your contact is a high risk person (i.e., an essential worker, a healthcare worker, a person who lives in a congregate setting like a homeless shelter, long term care, assisted living, or prison) and whether or not your contact is a vulnerable person (i.e., older and/or medically compromised). This will help contact tracing professionals prioritize their communications.
Answer the Call
If you live in the State of Michigan, please answer calls from 866-806-3447, MI COVID HELP, or your local health department. Provide a detailed list of people you’ve had contact with so they may continue to inform those who could be contagious.
Contact tracers make every effort to protect your identity. They will not release your name. Be aware you will never be asked for personal information, such as your social security number, driver’s license, or credit card information. If anyone asks for that information, hang up. Additionally, do not respond to text messages claiming to be contact tracers.
You may be asked to monitor yourself for symptoms and to seek care. You may also be advised to quarantine or isolate in order to protect others. If you are able, take your temperature regularly. Limit contact with others, including those who live with you. If you can quarantine within your home, please do so.
Next Steps
If you test positive for COVID-19, you will be asked to stay home for 14 days. If you seek medical care, please call your doctor’s office, hospital, or (in an emergency) 911 so responders may prepare for your arrival. Contact tracing professionals will communicate with your contacts to inform them of their status and learn who they have been in contact with.
Additional information & Volunteering
More information on contract tracing in Michigan is available at,9753,7-406-99891_99913—,00.html.
You may volunteer to support contact tracing efforts at