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About Mi-ELSiS

Michigan Earn, Learn, and Serve in Schools (Mi-ELSiS) is a groundbreaking initiative designed to address the shortage of mental health professionals in high-need school districts across Michigan. This innovative program benefits graduate-level trainees and seeks to create lasting positive change within these underserved communities. It results from a federal grant awarded by the US Department of Education to the Michigan Department of Education. 


At the heart of Mi-ELSiS is a commitment to providing graduate-level trainees in the fields of School Social Work, School Psychology, and School Counseling with a unique opportunity to make a meaningful impact. Participants in the program are offered a stipend, enabling them to pursue their educational goals while giving back to their communities. In exchange for this financial support, Mi-ELSiS trainees must dedicate a minimum of one year working in high-need schools after training is complete. 

“Access to school counselors is a benefit that cannot be overstated and will have a far-reaching impact for the children and adolescents of Michigan.”

- Dr. Ellen Armbruster,

School Counseling Program Coordinator, CMU

The stipend can be spent on things like:

  • Tuition

  • Transportation to and from the high-need school where a graduate trainee is placed

  • Child care while a graduate trainee is working at a high-need school

  • Administrative expenses, such as background check fees, that are necessary for placement in a participating high-need school 

  • And much more!


The stipend is delivered throughout the participant's experience as they reach three specified milestones, enabling them to access some of the funds during training. 



Expectations â€‹

  • Participants will complete field-work/practicum/internship in a high-need school at the LEA you are assigned to for one year (while you are still in your graduate program)

  • Serve as a school psychologist, school social worker, or school counselor for one year at a high-need school in Michigan.​

Participating Schools/Programs â€‹â€‹

We're thankful to have so many great partners. See the table below for a full list of partners, and click the links below to learn more about some of our academic partnerships and student experiences.

University of Michigan: Supporting Future School Social Workers for High-Need Communities


Central Michigan University: Students Help Address Mental Health Professional Shortage in Michigan Schools



How to Apply â€‹

Contact your university coordinator to start the process and complete an application. If you have any questions, please contact us.

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