MHC Brand Guidelines
The only acceptable versions of the Michigan Health Council logo are pictured here. The logo may not be reconstructed or altered in any way. It must be reproduced from reproduction-quality art or from high-resolution digital files.

Visual Identity
Logo Lockup - Primary
A logo lockup is a combination of the logo icon and the wordmark. The primary logo lockup may not be reconstructed or altered in any way. It must be reproduced from reproduction-quality art or from high-resolution digital files.
Shown here is the primary lockup. This version is to be used whenever possible. If this version is not applicable to the design scenario, please use the alternate version below.

Logo Lockup - Alternate
Pictured to the right is the alternate logo lockup. The alternate logo lockup may not be reconstructed.
This alternate version should only be used when the primary logo lockup can not.
Logo Wordmark - Primary
A logo workmark is the part of the logo consisting of typography. The workmark may not be reconstructed or altered in any way. It must be reproduced from reproduction-quality art or from high-resolution digital files.

Logo Wordmark - Alternate
A logo wordmark is the part of the logo consisting of typography. The wordmark may not be reconstructed or altered in any way. It must be reproduced from reproduction-quality art or from high-resolution digital files.

Logo Icon
A logo icon is the main graphic element of the visual identity. The logo icon may not be reconstructed or altered in any way. It must be reproduced from reproduction-quality art or from high-resolution digital files.
The boxes marked with a checkmark in the corners are the primary versions of the mark. Use the primary marks whenever possible.

Identity Usage
Whitespace - Logo Lockup
Each aspect of the identity must be treated properly as it is applied to design. Pictured right are the guidelines for whitespace when utilizing the logo lockup.
The space surrounding the logo lockup should never be smaller than the height or width of X. X is equal to the width of the logo icon.

The MHC logo should always be used in its original format or under the guidelines given. Never should the logo be treated in one of the methods shown here.

Typography & Color
Typography - Primary
Shown here is the primary typeface for MHC. Utilization includes headlines, subtitles, body copy, and general use.
Acceptable weights include Gilroy Bold, SemiBold, and Medium. Bold and semibold headlines should always use tracking of 13pts while medium-weight body copy should utilize tracking 5pts.
A Quick Brown Fox
Jumped Over A Lazy Dog.
Typography - Alternate
Shown here is the secondary typeface for MHC. Utilization includes subtitles, body copy, general use, and annotations. Acceptable weights include Serifa Bold and Regular. All uses of Serifa should utilize tracking of -0pts.
A Quick Brown Fox
Jumped Over A Lazy Dog.
Color Palette - Primary
Shown here is the color palette for the MHC.
The colors should never be used outside of the values shown here. When utilizing a logo file, check to make sure that the color profile is appropriate given the usage. The following shows each color profile’s appropriate use:
Pantone: Offset Printing, Screen Printing
CMYK: Offset Process Printing, Digital Printing
HEX: Screen-Based Applications
RGB: Screen-Based Appilcations
CMYK 70 30 00 00
HEX #3399FF
RGB 51 153 255
PANTONE 877 U – 85%
CMYK 39 27 29 00
HEX #919B9B
RGB 189 195 195
PANTONE 877 U – 75%
CMYK 33 23 25 00
RGB 200 205 205
PANTONE 877 U – 50%
CMYK 21 14 16 00
RGB 227 230 230
Color Palette - Secondary
Shown here is the secondary color palette for the MHC brand. These colors are only to be utilized when the marketing team deems it appropriate.
The colors should never be used outside of the values shown here. When utilizing a logo file, check to make sure that the color profile is appropriate given the usage. The following shows each color profile’s appropriate use:
Pantone: Offset Printing, Screen Printing
CMYK: Offset Process Printing, Digital Printing
HEX: Screen-Based Applications
RGB: Screen-Based Applications
CMYK 92 62 00 00
HEX #003C82
RGB 00 60 130
CMYK 46 32 35 01
HEX #919B9B
RGB 145 155 155
CMYK 69 70 00 00
HEX #5940C6
RGB 89 64 198
CMYK 00 95 54 00
RGB 226 46 40
Looking for ACEMAPP colors?
Find ACEMAPP brand colors & guidelines at: trxnguides.com/acemapp
Looking for HOSA colors?
Find HOSA brand colors & guidelines at: hosa.org/sites/default/files/HOSA-Brand-Style-Guide.pdf
Click here for NGHCA brand guidelines
CMYK 00 58 79 00
RGB 255 90 55
CMYK 00 26 89 00
RGB 255 160 20
Brand Voice & Tone
The Michigan Health Council and all of its programs should adhere to a brand voice that is professional and personable. We care about making personal connections with our partners, clients, and colleagues while providing credible expertise above all else.
Our brand voice should be both concise and easy to understand. MHC does not under or over-explain ideas. We avoid jargon as much as possible and write things that can be understood by anyone, including those not at all familiar with the health care workforce. We are always approachable, never superior.
When writing anything to external clients via email, website, article, flyer, advertisement, etc. the MHC team must ensure that our tone exemplifies the following:
personal touch
Style Tips:
Download Grammarly to your chrome browser for on-the-go corrections.
For important external communications, ask a colleague to review your message.
Use active voice. Avoid passive voice.
Avoid slang and jargon. Write in plain English.
Use positive language rather than negative language.
Avoid using 'the' before Michigan Health Council.
Health care vs. healthcare: when we refer to the workforce, organizations, environment and sector, we should be using "healthcare". When we are talking about delivery of a particular aspect of care (the rendering of care), then it is appropriate to use "health care."