Healthcare Industry
4-Year IHE
Organizations Involved
Michigan State University
Occupations Involved
High school students
Workforce Development Focus
Increasing number of healthcare workers
Workforce Issues Addressed
Attracting individuals to work in a healthcare profession; Training individuals to work in a healthcare profession; Providing a benefit or incentive that encourages individuals to pursue a healthcare profession
OsteoCHAMPS-UP is designed to expose high school students from the Upper Peninsula to osteopathic medicine and healthcare careers. This is a three-day non-residential camp during the summer, followed by year-round support once admitted to MSU. This program enables students to achieve their career goals by providing greater academic preparation and competitiveness for higher education, lifelong learning and problem-solving skills, development of individual responsibility, appreciation for diversity, and teamwork tools needed to set worthy goals toward attaining health care careers.
For more information: https://osteopathicmedicine.msu.edu/future-students/pathway-programs/osteochamps
Michigan Health Council does not administer all of the programs in this database. Please see the "organizations involved" above to learn who you should contact for more information.